The difference between Double equal(==) and triple equal(===) too in javascript

The difference between Double equal(==) and triple equal(===) too in javascript

Difference between == and ===

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When we want to compare something in JavaScript we use == or ===. but there is major difference between between == and ===.

==> == Only compare the value of both variable whereas === compare the value and type of the variable.

just as:-

var a = 1;
var b = "1";

console.log(a == b);

// output =  true

here a and b contains the value same (1), that's why output comes true.

var a = 1;
var b = "1";

console.log(a === b);

//output = false

here a and b contains the same value (1) but a has data types of number whereas b has datatypes of string that's why it gives the output false because === compare value and data types of variable